Saturday, January 15, 2011


NOTE TO PRODUCTION TEAM – Is this script too short or too long? How much work do you realistically think we can do? Be real with yourself and the rest of the group on how much time and effort you’re willing to put into this project. Let’s not have another ZERO Production. Please make any alterations/ revisions as you see fit and send it back please.

Wide shot
Sunrise or sunset over a Park with butterflies fluttering around.

Pan or truck down:
Full shot
A solitary flower gently moves. A couple walks down a path in front of the flower. (Maybe we see their legs then their full silhouette as they go down the path)

Cut to:
Medium shot
The couple sits down on a bench and the woman says, “Oh look at the pretty butterflies.” The husband is disinterested but still looks and shrugs.

Cut to:
Full shot
Butterflies having an aerial battle shouting at each other. (Background is blurry and moves by quickly)
Close ups
Butterfly #1 – “The nectar will be ours!”
Butterfly #2 – “Never! The flower belongs to us!”

Cut to:
Perspective shot of butterfly #1 flying and shooting butterfly #2

Cut to:
Medium shot of Woman looking confused.

Cut to:
Wide shot of butterflies over the field. A small explosion followed by a trail of smoke.

Quick zoom:
Butterfly on fire falling.
Butterfly #2 – “Mayday! Mayday! Tango alpha zulu niner! I’m going down! Repeat! Going down!

Cut to:
Wide shot of Butterflies on a stump or log like on aircraft carriers, moving hoses and boxes, waving orange lights.

Zoom to:
General butterfly walks over and grabs a phone off a butterfly’s backpack then shouts
General – “Let’s get some reinforcements down there now!”

Cut to:
Butterflies emerge from cocoons then swoop down into the battle.
Butterflies taking off from the stump into the battle.

Wide shot:
Park. Couple gets up from bench and walks away in the background.
Pan to flower from the intro (maybe the exact same establishing shot). The flower opens and a caterpillar is eating it
A caterpillar emerges from behind the flower while eating it


  1. Wide shot
    Sunrise or sunset over a Park with butterflies fluttering around.

    Pan or truck down:
    Full shot
    A solitary flower gently moves. A couple walks down a path in front of the flower. (Maybe we see their legs then their full silhouette as they go down the path)

    Cut to:
    Medium shot
    The couple sits down on a bench and the woman says, “Oh look, arent they just so graceful honey?” The husband is disinterested but still looks and shrugs.

    Cut to:
    Full shot
    Butterflies having an aerial battle shouting at each other. (Background is blurry and moves by quickly)
    Close ups
    Butterfly #1 – (in militrary seargant style voice)“I'm gon' git that nectar if it the last thing I do!”
    Butterfly #2 – (hero type voice)“not if I can helpt it!”
    butterfly #2 swoops down over butterfly #1 and shoots at his wings, punching bullet hole in his wings.
    buttefly #1- "I've been hit, I repeat, I've been hit."
    buttefly #3- " noooooo!!! retreat! the capatins been shot! we're out numbered!"

    Cut to:
    Medium shot of couple still admiring the butterflies who still seem to be fluttering happily in the distance.

    Cut to:
    Wide shot of butterflies over the field. A small explosion followed by a trail of smoke.

    Quick zoom:
    Butterfly on fire falling.
    Butterfly #1 – “Mayday! Mayday! Tango alpha zulu niner! I’m going down! Repeat! Going down!

    Cut to:
    Wide shot of Butterflies on a stump or log like on aircraft carriers, moving hoses and boxes, waving orange lights.

    Zoom to:
    General butterfly walks over and grabs a phone off a butterfly’s backpack then shouts
    General – (receives new of captain crashing, shakes his head in dissapointment) "they killed him' those damn bastards..killed him. send out the reinforcements! lets get that flower men.." (looks heroically towards the sky takes big whiff of air) , "I love the smell of necater in the mornin'... it smells like victory"

    Cut to:
    Butterflies taking off from the stump into the battle. and fill the air, we hear tons of machine gun shots.

    Cut to:
    medium shot of couple looking slightly confused.
    male- "hmm, they look deranged."

    Cut to:
    butterlies kinda fluttering all over the place kind of crazy-like.

    Cut to:
    female-"oh, pretty." (she plucks the flower they were battling over and the couple walks off.)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I thought we were bringing our work to class and posting it on the wall... so are we suppose to upload it on the web?

  4. I would do both. We can get more done as a group if we let everyone know what is done and what still needs to be done. We need to work as a family almost. That's kind of why I wanted some feed back on the script so that everyone is on the same page. Nadine made some changes she thought worked better but no one has made any comments approving it yet.

