Monday, January 17, 2011

Druid/Native female butterfly.

More thumbnail/doodles going on. I want to have at least 6-8 roughs for Bac on Thursday. Keep any thumbs you have or sketches. We want to focus more on ideas right now than finished pieces of artwork. Keep it loose and messy folks.

For your who are going to suggest "Joe, why are they so naked your pervert?!" Clothing design for these guys is going to be minimalistic. Think how the ancient Egyptians dressed or Native Americans. Mainly trinkets, in this case lots of twigs, branches and earthly things found. I also thought of some really cool water designs, if you look at a droplet of water it contains itself in that drop. Planning on incorporating that design in the next brutal doodle.


  1. since they're humanoid, wouldn't that make them faeries?

  2. I'm attempting to stay clear of anything that resembles "Bugs Life" or any film already made. I have more insect like designs while keeping them somewhat human themed. Eyes, skin, wings, anatomy, extra limbs.

  3. Personally I would like to see the most insect like designs. These look like faeries.
